
Published February 7, 2025

Significant weather event declared in Orillia

Orillia - Snow-clearing
File photo - City of Orillia logo

The City of Orillia is declaring a Significant Weather Event to alert the community that the current extreme weather conditions could pose a danger to users of city roads, sidewalks and bike lanes.

Environment Canada issued a snow squall warning at 10:11 a.m. for the Orillia area. Between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. more than 40 cm of snow has fallen in Orillia with another 20 cm of snow expected this afternoon.

City of Orillia winter control crews remain operational and will be maintaining roads, focusing on main arterials to support emergency vehicles.

Members of the public are asked to avoid travel at this time as roads are currently impassible in some areas.

Municipalities can declare a Significant Weather Event under the Municipal Act, 2001, O. Reg. 239/02, relating to the maintenance of municipal roads, sidewalks and bike lanes. All roadways in the municipality are deemed to be in a state of repair with respect to snow accumulation.

The City will provide updates at and on the City’s social media channels once the Significant Weather Event has ended.

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