Mogomotsi Magome, The Associated Press
South African weather officials warned on Tuesday of continued extremely cold weather but said no further snow was predicted for the rest of the week after parts of the country experienced unusual flurries.
In Johannesburg, residents experienced snowfall on Monday for the first time since 2012.
Snow was reported in the provinces of Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape and the Free State starting Monday morning, according to the South African Weather Services.
On Tuesday, parts of Johannesburg remained very cold, with temperatures falling to 1 degree Celsius (34 F).
“We will have these extremely cold weather conditions for the rest of the week,” forecaster Puseletso Mofokeng said.
He said no further snow is expected for the rest of the week.
“In parts of Mpumalanga we still have snow on the ground, but it will melt over the next few days. We are not expecting any more snowfall this week,” he said.
Officials were still determining how much snow fell since amounts varied across the country.
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