After spending time at Sick Kids themselves, two sisters from Hillsdale are raising money to support the hospital with special book bundles and lemonade.
When Bug was 9-years-old, she decided to start fundraising, but when summer rolled around and she got sick, those plans had to be put on hold. The family spent 10 days at Sick Kids and was blown away with the wonderful care Bug received from every Doctor, staff member, and volunteer.
By winter, Bug was all fixed up and ready to get her fundraising back on track. The first thing Bug and her sister did was sell Christmas ornaments at their school and they managed to raised over $500. The following year, they created a Summer book sale and once again knocked it out of the park by doubling down and raising over $1000!
This year the sisters are dreaming big and hoping to raise $2400 by selling special surprise book bags every Sunday until the end of September. Each book bag will contain 5 mystery books for $5 and be sure to grab a cup of delicious lemonade while you're there!
Follow Bug and Boos Dream Team on Instagram and every Sunday you can follow the signs off Highway 93 in Hillsdale to find them!