It's no secret that regular filming schedules have been abruptly disrupted with many highly anticipated movies, sequels, and series having to put things on hold.
Warner Bros. has just announced a string of films that have been pushed back from their original release dates. Some are only being delayed for a short period while others are seeing a bit of a lengthy push. Here's what is being delayed and how long you'll now have to wait:
Tenet - July 17, 2020 to July 31, 2020 (2 weeks)
Wonder Women 1984 - August 14, 2020 to October 2, 2020 (7 weeks)
Godzilla VS. Kong - November 20, 2020 to May 21, 2021 (26 weeks)
Tom and Jerry - December 23, 2020 to March 5, 2021 (10 weeks)
The Matrix (Untitled) - May 21, 2021 to April 1, 2022 (45 weeks)
This most likely won't be the last time you'll be hearing about delays for upcoming movies, but if the film is already in post-production, there's a good chance it will only be delayed by a few weeks, if at all.
Featured image courtesy of Deadline via deadline.com