Lineman’s Testing Laboratories (LTL) is a Canadian company that has been serving the utility, industrial, and commercial sectors across the country for over 60 years. Built on the principles of integrity and nurturing long-term business relationships, LTL is dedicated to ensuring the continued success of your business.
LTL is ideally suited to assist companies in effectively managing their electrical systems thanks to an experienced and diverse team, extensive inventory of electrical apparatus, and steadfast commitments to a high industry standard. LTL’s Power Technical Services include, but are not limited to, substation design, construction and maintenance, infrared scanning, field Transformer repair services, Transformer oil regeneration, field testing and commissioning, emergency power solutions (Transformer, switchgear and generator sales and rentals), disaster recovery and emergency continency, and CSA Z462-compliant arc flash safety programs.
Having created a diverse team of specialists, LTL provides on-going industry-related training to promote skill development and worker safety. The team includes electrical engineers, master electricians, linemen, certified technologists, laboratory technicians, business personnel, professional salespeople, trainers/facilitators, and knowledgeable customer service representatives. Whatever the obstacle, LTL has you covered.
LTL also understands the importance of worker safety and is a devoted advocate for safety awareness in the workplace, being an active member of numerous workplace safety associations including EDA, ESA/ECRA, OEL, and IHSA. LTL is also a voting member on the NAIL Board of Directors for the development of uniformity and setting standards in testing, working in close association with ASTM and ANSI. With something as potentially dangerous as electrical work, LTL not only gives you the best service but peace of mind as well.
LTL also has an extensive equipment supply network including PPE (insulating rubber gloves, rubber and fibre cover-up, Arc Flash clothing and accessories), fall protection and climbing equipment, grounding and jumpers, utility tools, cutters and crimpers, traffic safety, pole line equipment and electrical apparatus, as well as transformer, switchgear and generator sales and rentals. If you’re looking for electrical equipment, go to the people with decades of first-hand experience using it.