
Published May 17, 2022

Preventable road fatalities headed for 10-year high

More than 100 people have died on OPP-patrolled roads so far this year
Tottenham, house fire
OPP logo -file photo

News release - from Ontario Provincial Police

Ahead of national Canada Road Safety Week, poor and careless driving behaviours have contributed to the majority of the 107 fatalities on Ontario Provincial Police-(OPP)-patrolled roads so far this year. It's a motor vehicle fatality rate the OPP has not seen in 10 years.   

Not since 2012 has the number of people killed in road collisions reached the 100 mark by the second week of May. The data is the latest reminder to road users that they are sharing the road with drivers who see the risks they take behind the wheel as inconsequential to themselves and those around them - something every Ontarian should take seriously. 

Two driving behaviours stand out in this year's preventable road deaths. Fatalities linked to driver inattention are up 79 per cent over this time last year, with the loss of 25 lives to date. There were 14 such deaths last year at this time. Alcohol/drug-related fatalities are also up, with the 15 people killed marking a 36 per cent increase over last year's 11 deaths at this time.  

 Twenty-seven (27) speed-related fatalities are not far off last year's mark and continue to take the greatest toll among the poor driving behaviours. With 15 seat belt-related deaths marking a slight increase over last year, unsafe drivers, as well as passengers (and drivers) who don't buckle up, are setting the stage for an exceptionally tragic year on OPP-patrolled roads.   

During the annual Canada Road Safety Week campaign, the OPP will join national policing partners to conduct robust enforcement/education around inattentive/distracted driving, speeding and other aggressive driving, alcohol/drug impaired driving, seatbelt compliance and other risky road behaviours.

The motoring public is encouraged to adopt and maintain safe road behaviours that align with this year's campaign theme "Safer You. Safer Me". The theme serves to emphasize that the decisions drivers make not only affect them, but also their passengers, other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.


·      The OPP has responded to 88 fatal collisions so far this year. There were 75 such collisions at this time last year.  

·      Canada Road Safety Week is led by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and runs from May 17 to 23, 2022.

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