News release - from the Downtown Barrie BIA
The Downtown Barrie BIA is thrilled to announce that they have received the esteemed OBIAA
Marketing + Communications – Large award for their rebrand project and its launch in November 2021.
Presented by the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) at the OBIAA
Conference Awards Ceremony held on Monday, April 25, 2022, these awards recognize the most
successful efforts in Ontario BIA marketing and communications.
OBIAA is the leading network for BIAs and represents over 100,000 local businesses in Ontario.
Leading the project was former Project Manager with the Downtown Barrie BIA, Kristen Eatch. “It
was the right time for a rebrand. Downtown Barrie had come to the end of a 10-year development plan that included Meridian Place and Memorial Square, a beautiful new streetscape and an exciting portfolio of events and festivals. We knew the new brand was going to resonate well and the launch [which included painting the dilapidated Bank of Montreal building pink got all of Simcoe County talking about and visiting Downtown Barrie and its businesses, which was the ultimate goal.”

The pink building quickly became a landmark and is intended to evolve as a backdrop to a future
public art installation this year.
“Turning an under-used historical space into a bright and welcoming focal point is an exciting initiative for our downtown. This colourful new addition to our community is a great example of a creative solution to make vacant spaces safer and more functional and demonstrates the principles of crime prevention through environmental design. The Barrie Police Service is committed to community safety and well-being throughout our city, and I hope this initiative will inspire others to consider further improvements that can help make our community safer,” commented Barrie Police Chief Kimberley Greenwood.
This award exemplifies that Downtown Barrie is where you want to be. And with a summer full of fun including the Shop + Selfie Contest at the pink building, Open Air Dunlop, public art installations, live music at Meridian Place and more, we’re sure to see you downtown.