
Published September 5, 2023

Year-Round Lawn Care Tips

The work is never done!
Year round lawn care results in lush grass

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A beautifully manicured lawn is not just a source of pride for homeowners but also a serene space for relaxation, play, and gatherings. Achieving and maintaining a vibrant lawn year-round requires careful attention and care throughout each and every season. 

From preparing for the winter to keeping your lawn green in summer, here are some seasonal lawn care tips to help you keep your lawn healthy year-round.

Fall Lawn Care: Preparing For Winter

Fall is a crucial time for preparing your lawn for the upcoming winter months and setting the stage for a healthy spring.

1. Aerate

If you only aerate your lawn once a year, do it in the fall just before the first frost date. This will give your lawn a chance to benefit from aeration before the grass goes dormant for the winter. It will also help loosen up compaction before the snow falls and puts more weight on your grass.

2. Fill In Bare Patches

Fall is a good time to lay the seed for a full spring lawn. Start by removing dead grass and debris from the bare spots. Work in an inch of compost, spread your seeds, and rake them into the dirt. 

3. Provide A Nutrient Boost

Fertilize your lawn in the fall so that your grass can store the nutrients it will need over the winter. This will also give it a head start in the spring so that you end up with healthy, vibrant grass. 

Use a slow-release fertilizer that contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These will help to promote strong root growth, control weeds, and improve turf quality.

4. Mulch Leaves

Transform fallen leaves into a valuable resource by mulching them using your lawnmower. As these leaves are shredded, they integrate into the soil, enriching it with nutrients that support your lawn's health. This simple practice not only minimizes waste but also nurtures your lawn in an eco-friendly way.

5. Manage Weeds

Keep an eye out for weeds and pull them out by the roots when they begin to appear. This proactive approach prevents weed growth without resorting to herbicides. 

6. Practice Gradual Mowing Techniques

Gradually lower the mowing height over the season, preventing stress on the grass while fostering robust root development. This method promotes a healthy, resilient lawn that's better equipped to face the upcoming challenges of winter. 

As winter approaches, it's recommended to leave your grass a bit shorter. The height of your grass will depend on whether you have warm-season grass (grows from June to September) or cool-season grass (grows in spring and fall, dormant in summer). In Canada, most lawns are cool-season grasses and should be kept at around 2 ½ inches. If you have warm-season grasses, they should be cut to 1 ½ or 2 inches. 

Any shorter and the grass won’t be able to provide nutrients to the root. Any longer and you risk compaction, moisture retention, mold, and rot. 

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Winter Lawn Care: Protection And Planning

Though your lawn may not grow actively during winter, it still requires some care to ensure its health and readiness for spring.

1. Clear Away Debris

Regularly remove fallen leaves, branches, and debris from your lawn. This prevents pests and diseases from finding shelter and breeding grounds during the winter months. Accumulated debris can create a moist environment conducive to fungal growth, which can harm your grass.

2. Reduce Foot Traffic

Once the snow has fallen, avoid walking on the grass, especially across the same spots over and over again. Walking on frozen grass can cause the blades to break and lead to permanent damage. 

You also want to avoid walking on frost-covered grass, as doing so can rupture the cell walls of the grass blades, causing browning and damage. If you must walk on your lawn, wait until the frost has melted.

3. Manage Snow

If your area experiences heavy snowfall, avoid piling snow on your lawn. Heavy snow can smother the grass and create conditions conducive to snow mold. If you are removing snow from your lawn, be gentle to avoid damaging the grass beneath. 

4. Avoid Salt Damage

Many de-icing products can damage grass. If you are spreading de-icing products on pathways or driveways near the edge of your lawn or directly on the lawn, try to use products with calcium chloride or other grass-safe alternatives. Avoid shoveling roadside snow onto your grass as it can have road salt in it.

5. Use A Rink Tarp

If you plan on building a skating rink, use a rink tarp to protect your grass. Remove the tarp as soon as all of the ice has melted in the spring. This should give your grass lots of time to grow healthy and strong.

6. Plan

Use the quieter winter months to plan any changes or improvements you'd like to make to your lawn come spring. Research new landscaping ideas, consider soil testing, and decide on any seeding, planting, or maintenance projects you'd like to undertake. That way you’ll be ready to start perfecting your lawn as soon as the snow melts. 

Spring Lawn Care: A Fresh Start

As the first signs of spring emerge, your lawn awakens from its winter slumber, ready for a fresh start. This is the perfect time for revitalization and preparation for the growing season ahead.

1. Clean Up Your Yard

Once the snow melts, it’s time to get rid of any leftover leaves, dead grass, and other debris from the season before. Rake everything up and dispose of it so that your grass is ready for the next steps.

2. Dethatch

Thatch is the layer of dead grass, roots, and debris at the base of your grass. There shouldn’t be more than a 1/2 inch of thatch between your soil and grass. More than this and your grass may have a hard time absorbing water, air, and nutrients.

To check the thickness of your thatch, dig up a patch of grass and check the depth. If it is more than 1/2 an inch, use a dethatching rake or machine to gently remove the thatch layer, promoting a healthier lawn.

3. Aerate Some More

While you can get away with aerating once in the fall, aerating your lawn with a core aerator a few times a year will help to improve drainage and increase the amount of oxygen, water, and fertilizer that your lawn can absorb. It also helps break up any thatch that has accumulated on your lawn and relieves any compaction that has built up over the winter. 

4. Address Pests 

Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of pests or diseases. If you spot any issues, consider non-chemical approaches first. Encourage natural predators like birds and beneficial insects that can help control pest populations naturally. Plant diversity, bird baths, birdhouses, and feeders can all help attract these helpful predators. 

5. Control Weeds

Weeds can quickly take over your lawn if left unchecked, so it’s important to take preventive measures early on. This may include using a herbicide or removing them by hand. If removing them by hand, it’s best to get them when they are small. That way they are easier to dig out.

6. Overseed

Address sparse areas in your lawn by overseeding. Choose high-quality grass seed that's suitable for your climate and soil type. Broadcasting seed across the lawn fills in gaps, encourages a denser turf, and reduces the opportunity for weeds to take root.

7. Fertilize

Once spring hits, it’s time to fertilize your lawn. However, doing it too early will cause your grass to begin leaf development too early. Late spring is usually the best time to fertilize when your grass begins its most active growth. 

Choose a slow-release, granular fertilizer with a balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen promotes leaf growth, phosphorus supports root development, and potassium aids overall health. Apply the fertilizer evenly according to the product's instructions to avoid excessive growth and runoff.

8. Water Wisely

Deep, infrequent watering is more effective than frequent shallow watering. Aim for about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, including rainfall. 

Watering deeply helps roots extend deeper into the soil, making your lawn more drought-resistant. Watering early in the morning reduces evaporation, allowing the grass to dry during the day and minimizing the risk of fungal diseases.

9. Mow It Regularly

Now that winter is over, it’s time to get ready for regular lawn mowing. If you didn’t do it over the winter, tune up your mower, sharpen the blades, adjust the height, and fill it up with gas. Once your mower is ready, it’s time to get to cutting. 

Regular mowing also encourages a denser, healthier lawn. In general, avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass height at a time. You also want to mow when the grass is dry to achieve cleaner cuts and reduce the risk of disease transmission. In Spring, cool-season grasses should never be shorter than 3 inches. Warm-season grasses can be mowed from ½ an inch to 1 ½ inches. 

10. Grasscycle

Leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing. Known as grasscycling, this practice allows clippings to decompose and return nutrients to the soil. It acts as a natural mulch, retaining moisture and reducing the need for additional fertilization.

Summer Lawn Care: Nurturing Amidst The Heat

Summer can bring challenges like heat stress, drought, and pest issues. Proper care during this season ensures your lawn remains vibrant and resilient.

1. Keep Up The Spring Care

As with the spring, water deeply and infrequently to encourage strong root growth. Aim for about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, either through irrigation or rainfall. While you can water at night, it is not as beneficial for the plants. Cool nights can also cause excess water to settle around the roots, leading to rot and fungal growth.

You also want to continue applying slow-release fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and grasscycling. 

2. Adjust Your Mow Height 

Raise your mower blade to maintain a slightly taller grass height. Longer grass shades the soil, conserving moisture and preventing weed growth by limiting sunlight availability to weed seeds. Taller grass also develops deeper roots, which improves its ability to access water during hot periods. Cool season grasses should be 3 to 3 ½ inches, while warm season grasses should be 2 to 2 ½. 

Regular mowing in the summer helps to keep your grass healthy and prevents the build-up of thatch. Mowing regularly will also help to prevent weeds from taking over your lawn.

3. Sharpen Mower Blades

Regularly sharpen mower blades, ideally every 8-10 hours of mowing. Dull blades tear grass instead of cutting cleanly, leaving jagged edges that are more susceptible to stress, disease, and browning.

4. Avoid Midday Mowing

Mow your lawn during the cooler parts of the day, either in the early morning or late afternoon. Mowing during midday heat can cause stress to the grass and can be physically demanding for the person doing the mowing.

5. Monitor for Pests

Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of pests like grubs, chinch bugs, or other insects. Address pest issues promptly to prevent widespread damage. Healthy lawns are better equipped to withstand pest pressure.

You also want to continue to pull weeds as they appear. Avoid using chemical herbicides during hot weather, as they can further stress your lawn.

4. Avoid Compaction

Minimize foot traffic, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Constant foot traffic can compact the soil and stress the grass, making it more vulnerable to heat and damage.

If your lawn suffers from soil compaction, consider another round of aeration. This will let air, water, and nutrients penetrate the soil more effectively, promoting healthier grass growth.

A Perfect Lawn Is A Year Round Project

No matter the season, there’s always something you can do to ensure that your lawn stays looking its best. From fertilizing and watering to detaching and mowing, the best lawn care practices will help to keep your lawn looking lush and green all year round.

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