Because they've had a head start on most other streaming services, Netflix is one of the best when it comes to watchability and user interface. That being said, if you do most of your streaming on your computer (using Google Chrome), here are three free extensions that will make Netflix just a little bit better.
First up, if you hate how Netflix automatically starts playing trailers when you hover over a movie or show, Netflix Tweaked stops this from happening. As an added bonus, it also keeps your "continue watching" and "my list" categories at the top.
Netflix has thousands of movies and TV shows to watch but they are split into a very limited number of categories. FindFlix gives you a way to really narrow down your choice by giving you over 7500 categories to search through. If you're in the mood for something specific like a B-movie horror or a sentimental coming of age movie, download FindFlix and get searching.
The last extension is essential for binge-watching by getting rid of a few minor annoyances like the "are you still watching" prompted, automatically playing the next episode, and even skipping credits and intro sequences so you don't have to hear things like the deafening Office intro at 3 AM. Add Never Ending Netflix to your browser and start watching every episode of Community without ever having to touch your laptop again.
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