While Spotify gives you plenty of new music to listen to with its weekly discover and release radar playlists, sometimes that just isn't enough. Queue Forgotify.
After finding out that millions of songs on Spotify are never heard by anyone, the creators of Forgotify wanted to remedy this great musical tragedy by giving these neglected songs a new way to reach music lovers. With just a few clicks, Forgotify serves up a completely fresh track that has exactly zero plays on Spotify. You can share the track on social media, start listening to it, or add it to a playlist on Spotify. It even gives you a 30-second preview if you don't have Spotify.
Whether you're the type of person who loves finding new music or the one who loves to say "you've probably never heard of them", Forgotify is a unique way to beef up your musical library.
Featured image courtesy of Lane Jordan via lanejordan.com