
Published February 26, 2025

Put on a pink shirt and stand up against bullying

Wear your pink with pride!
Pink Shirt Day 2024

Pink Shirt Day is a national campaign raising awareness and support for programs that help foster healthy self-esteem. Held every third Wednesday in February, this year's Pink Shirt Day takes place on February 26.

But how exactly did the day get started?

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The origins of Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day was inspired by an act of kindness in small-town Nova Scotia back. In 2007, a boy in grade 9 got bullied for wearing a pink shirt. An older student saw what was happening and decided to do something about it. That night, he went to a discount store and bought 50 pink tank tops. The following day, he got 50 of his schoolmates to wear them.

The story was picked up and soon went viral. It has since inspired countless people and organizations across Canada to show off their pink pride.

Bullying doesn't just happen in schools

Bullying happens in many different forms. It's doing, saying, or acting in a way that hurts someone else or makes them feel bad on purpose. Some common kinds of bullying include:

  • Verbal (name-calling)
  • Physical (punching, pushing)
  • Social (leaving someone out of a game or group on purpose)
  • Extortion (stealing someone's money or toys)
  • Cyberbullying (using computers, the Internet, mobile phones, etc. to bully others)

Bullying is widespread in both elementary and secondary schools. Nearly 50% of Canadian parents have at least one child that has been a victim of bullying and approximately 1/3 of teenagers have been bullied recently. But bullying can happen anywhere. 40% of Canadians are bullied in the workplace every week.

For more information on bullying and where to turn for help visit Kids Help Phone or Public Safety Canada.

How to show your support for Pink Shirt Day

Supporting Pink Shirt Day is as easy as grabbing a pink shirt out of your closet and throwing it on! If you don't have one already, click here to pick up a "Rock The Pink Shirt" or "Kool To Be Kind" shirt for $25.

Not only will you be able to wear your new attire to support Pink Shirt Day, but the money raised will support the amazing work done by New Path! It's a definite win-win!

About New Path

New Path Youth & Family Services is a children’s mental health agency providing compassionate, innovative, and accessible services mental health services for children, youth, and their families throughout Simcoe County, including access to a range of free counseling and therapy services.

The team at New Path will work with you and your family to answer your questions, guide you through the services available, and match you with support in the community that best meets your needs.

Pink has always been cool, but today, it's the coolest colour of all.

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