Sick of fast furniture? You know, those scandinavian designed riddles-packed in a box. That dresser you hope you never have to take apart because you're pretty sure you were a little too heavy on that miniature allen key they tape to it. It seems like we are either hauling that furniture to the trash on moving day or giving it away.
Then, there's that piece of furniture that is awkward and feels like it weighs more than the house you're moving out of. This is usually accompanied by grunts and moans which are followed by a "they don't make 'em like this anymore."
Metalwood StudioSay goodbye to fast furniture and create your own live edge tables and epoxy designs at Barrie's MetalWood Studio
Posted by Barrie 360 on Thursday, April 18, 2019
What if there was something right in that sweet spot in the middle? Maybe a modern design that was built to last. Maybe you could even design it, build it and use a tree from your own backyard. One of the more unique things about Metalwood Studio is in Barrie is that they do all of that. They have mobile sawmill and they host DIY packages and workshops.
DIY Workshops

Large pour epoxy class at Metalwood Studio in Barrie
"We can take your design project from steps one through 10. From wood salvage to kiln drying, furniture design to maintenance, we are involved in the whole lifecycle of your custom piece says Paul Rezaie, President, Furniture Design, Finishing Product Specialist at Metalwood. Rezaie, Joe Orgill (CEO, Milling Specialist) and Josh Mandell (Treasurer, Business Development, Project Co-Ordination) created the business with the consumer's convenience in mind. "We can be as involved in the project as the customer wants. If we need to walk through all of the design steps, we will."
Mobile Sawmill

Metalwood also have kiln drying in a conventional DH 4000 b/f kiln. "It's available to all our customers, professionals, and hobbyists says Rezaie. They also carry a vast collection of unique wood slabs from various species, in a number of different sizes and shapes and the showroom at Metalwood includes a collection of finished pieces as well.