Since Barrie 360 began, you’ve been able to find the latest news and stories online, on social and on the radio. Now, you can also stay up-to-date with what’s going on in your community with our new podcast – What Barrie’s Talking About.
What Barrie’s Talking About will bring everything that’s happening in and around Barrie. Every week will deliver new content including:
- Interviews with celebrities, local organizations and industry experts
- Updates on the stories people are talking about
- Information on upcoming events and festivals
- Lifestyle tips, tricks and advice
Episode 3: "Barrie's Biggest Party, 50 Years In The Making! Kempenfest, noisy neighbourhoods, Butterflies and More"
1. Kempenfest's 50th Anniversary
Kempenfest finally managed to celebrate its 50th Anniversary ... and what a party it was! We caught up with Kempenfest Chair Todd Tuckey to talk about it.
2. Noisy Neighbourhoods
Barrie Police are cracking down again on noisy mufflers and more. Deputy Police Chief Wyllie Allan joined us to talk about it.
3. 8 Year Old Saves The Monarch Butterflies
8 year old Morgan Mansfield and her mom joined us and shared how they're trying to save the Monarch Butterfly
4. Where Are The Walk In Clinics?
And why it's so hard to find a walk in clinic anymore. We chatted with Sharon Ramagnano, Operations Director of Emergency, Critical Care and Trauma at RVH, as well as the Sperling COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic.
You can catch up with What Barrie’s Talking About every Wednesday on our website and your favourite podcast platform.