Market Christmas Party
Along with all the fresh produce and home-made goods, the Barrie Farmer's Market will also have kid's activities, live music, treats, guest vendors, and prize draws this weekend for the Market Christmas Party. There is also free parking in the City Hall parking lot and surrounding streets.
December 21st - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Related: Market Christmas Party At The Barrie Farmer's Market
Donate Blood
The greatest gift you can give this holiday. The Canadian Blood Services needs donors for the season due to low numbers on key dates. December 24th, December 26th, and December 31st see a pretty dramatic fall in donor numbers but it doesn't have to be that way! Book yourself an appointment today because one unit of blood can save up to three lives.
December 24th – 10 AM to 2 PM
December 26th – 3 PM to 7 PM
December 31st – 10 AM to 2 PM
Related: The Most Important Christmas Colour Is Red
The Goodest Boy Launch Party
Redline Brewery has teamed up with Finding Them Homes by featuring seven seriously cute pooches on their new beer. A portion of the proceeds from each can will go to support Finding Them Homes and they are also having a launch party for the beer this weekend where you can meet all the canine superstars.
December 21st - All Day
Related: The Goodest Boy Launch Party
Home Alone At The Georgian Theatre
Watch Kevin outsmart and beat the pulp out of the wet bandits just in time for Christmas. If you haven't been able to fit this classic into your movie-watching schedule yet, the Georgian Theatre will be showing it this weekend and it's only $10!
December 20th - 7:00 PM
Related: Friday Films At The Georgian Theatre
Live Jazz At The Speakcheasy
Friday Nights in December at The Speakcheasy are a finger snappin', toe-tappin' good time. Enjoy live jazz along with signature cocktails, delicious fondue and charcuterie boards, and a cool 1920's prohibition-era atmosphere. This week's combo is Tony Quarrington & Tony Laviola.
December 20th - 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Related: December Jazz & Blues At The Speakcheasy
Only a couple more weeks to get yourself down to Canada's Wonderland and enjoy all the festivities at Winterfest. There is a Christmas Market, spectacular lights and decorations, the Tree Lighting Ceremony every night, and tons more. Tickets are only $21.99 too!
Check Hours of Operation here.
Related: Winterfest: Canada's Winter Wonderland
Hit The Slopes
Grab your board and get ready to carve it up this weekend at Horshoe Resort. Along with the regular slope hours, they are also having a special ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new lift at noon on Saturday and the first 50 riders will get a free gift!
Regular Slope Hours - Daily - 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
New Lift Ribbon Cutting - December 21st - 12:00 PM