Whether it's your resolution for next year, or you want to squeeze every ounce out of this year's, The New Year's Eve Blood Donation event will be your last chance to donate blood in 2021.
Contributing to Canada's lifeline is one of the best New Year's Resolution we can think of and if you're looking for a reason to donate blood, here are 4:
Save Lives
The most obvious reason to give blood is the life-saving implications this gift can have. There are always lots of things to do during the holidays, but we can say with confidence that giving blood is the only one that can potentially save up to three lives!
You're O-Negative
No matter what blood type you are, donating blood will always be life-saving, but for those with O-Negative blood, you are a universal donor, meaning your blood can be donated to any patient. In emergencies and for newborn babies, O-negative blood makes all the difference in the world.
Blood Doesn't Last Forever
You might not know this, but unlike Twinkies, which will last an eternity and could survive a nuclear blast, blood has a shelf life and most of it only lasts for 42 days (and some only 7). This is why it is so important to not only book yourself an appointment but to become a regular life-saving patron of the Blood Clinic.
You Can Donate 364 Days A Year
Another thing you might not know is that Canadian Blood Services collects blood 364 days a year and the only day they close their doors is on December 25th. Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day are particularly challenging times to find donors and people are encouraged to make appointments on those days.
The New Year's Eve Blood Donation Event will take place at Canadian Blood Services on Bayview Drive in Barrie on, you guessed it, December 31. They are currently accepting bookings from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. so be sure to head over to their website or give them a call at 1-888-2DONTE.
“The holiday period is a challenging time to collect blood. Every donation counts and new and returning donors are especially needed right now to book and keep blood donation appointments heading into the New Year,” says Rick Prinzen, Canadian Blood Services chief supply chain officer and vice-president of donor relations. “We have seen the dedication of donors throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and we need that to continue. Patients’ lives depend on them.”
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Snacks, juice, and safety protocols will all be in place so let's all make sure there's never a shortage of blood and make donating blood our New Year's Resolution!
Featured image: Canadian Blood Services via blood.ca